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Parish Life at St. Augustine includes many organizations and clubs for all age groups that offer members a chance to meet and grow as a Christian community while sponsoring activities that support parish needs and ministries.


Holy Name Society

All men of the parish over the age of 18 are members of the Holy Name Society. This group is probably as old as our parish itself and has supported needs of the parish and school too numerous to mention both financially and with man power over the years. Co-sponsored with the St. Monica Society, the Friday and Lenten Fish Fries are Holy Name’s biggest fundraiser. Meetings are held on the Thursday following the first Sunday each month at 7:30 in the gym. They are preceded by the rosary and followed by sandwiches and a euchre tournament. Men both young and old are invited to become active members of the Holy Name Society.


St. Monica Society

All women of the parish over the age of 18 are members of the St. Monica Society. This group has always been an active part of our parish and school support. Co-sponsored with the Holy Name Society, the Friday and Lenten Fish Fries are St. Monica’s biggest fundraiser. Meetings are held on the third Tuesday each month at 7:30pm in the gym and are preceded by the rosary and followed by snacks and cards. The St. Monica and the Holy Name Society also sponsor and host our parish family basket picnic and adult Christmas party. Women of all ages are invited to become active members of the St. Monica Society.


Boosters Club

The Boosters Club provides an athletic program for students belonging to our parish and financial support for a variety of needs of our parish school.  Each year the Boosters Club offers two partial scholarships to a Catholic high school to our graduating eighth graders.  The Boosters Club meets on the second Tuesday of each month at 6:30pm in the gym. All parents of students and parishioners interested in coaching or assisting with teams or just supporting our school are urged to join the Boosters Club.



Seniors of the parish and their friends 55 years of age and over are invited to be part of the Pathfinders. Primarily a social group, the Pathfinders meet on the first Monday of each month at 1:30 p.m. in the gym with dessert and cards. They enjoy many activities including a picnic in September, a Christmas party and both day and overnight bus trips.


Home & School Organization

The Home & School Organization (HSO) meets four times a year.  The purpose of the HSO is to provide funds for the school. Membership dues is $3.00 per family. Activities are usually family friendly.  Attendance and payment of dues qualify a family for the drawing of the HSO Scholarship at the end of the year.


Catholic Order of Foresters - Court 2515

Catholic Order of Foresters is a trusted, more than a century-old Catholic fraternal life insurance society dedicated to providing members with financial security and opportunities for spiritual, social, and charitable growth. Court 2515 works closely with parish and school providing activities for everyone.


Knights of Columbus – Bishop Carroll Council

From the moment of our founding in 1882, charity has been the first principle of the Knights of Columbus. We are Catholic men of faith and men of charitable action.





Society of St. Vincent de Paul

Providing hope is at the very heart of everything we do at the Society of St. Vincent de Paul.  For more than 100 years, we’ve been helping our Northern Kentucky neighbors in need by giving them a message of God’s love and belief in a brighter tomorrow. Each year, hundreds of volunteer Vincentians on their spiritual journey offer person-to-person assistance and a compassionate ear to care for those suffering and in need of a helping hand. At St. Augustine, our conference members distribute food and resources on Tuesdays from 3:30pm -  4:30pm. To receive assistance, please call the Assistance Help Line: (859) 341-3219.


St. Augustine Parish Outreach Center at City Heights

Our parish, in collaboration with the parishes of St. Timothy and St. Agnes help the outreach center to meet the needs of the families living in City Heights. For more information, contact the Center at (859) 491-4584.

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