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Under the guidance of our St. Augustine Parish and our Home & School Organization, we encourage and provide opportunities for families to participate and to promote fundraising activities in order to provide a sound Catholic faith based school which implements their mission of providing “Excellence in Education.”

World's Finest Candy Sale

We need everyone to sell candy to make this fundraising a success! Our Candy Sale begins on August 29th and ends on September 12th!


Toy Bingo

This event is held on the Friday after Thanksgiving, and the event helps raise money for tuition assistance.  Parents are needed to help work the event. There are 2 shifts 6 to 8 and 8 to 10.


Night at the Races

This event will be held March 10, 2018. There are multiple opportunities to volunteer for this event.  This is our  school’s largest fundraiser of the year.

Volunteers are needed for the following:
•Solicit donations for raffle baskets
•Putting the Raffle Baskets together – Need at least five parents
•Set up the day of the event – Need at least seven to 10 parents to assist
•Working the night of the event – Need 10 to 15 parents to work a minimum of 2 hour shifts (7 to 9, or 9 to 11)
•Cleaning up after the event – Need seven to 10 parents (10 to midnight)


St. Augustine encourages parishioners, parents, and friends to collect BoxTops, Campbell Soup labels, and Coke Caps to generate money to support the educational programs for our children.



Kroger Community Rewards®

Giving More Back to the Community.

Kroger is committed to helping our communities grow and prosper.  Year after year local school, churches and other nonprofit organizations will earn millions of dollars through Kroger Community Rewards®. Kroger Community Rewards ® make fundraising easy… all you have to do is shop at Kroger and swipe your PLUS card! Sign In or Create An Account Online to Enroll.  Go to Kroger website at


Once signed in you can enroll or update your Community Rewards under your Account Settings.  Sign in, then click on My Account button in upper right corner, click on Account Settings, then scroll to the bottom of the screen.


Remke 4% Caring Neighbors Program

The Remke Caring Neighbors Program provides a great way for St. Augustine to simply and quickly raise money to support our efforts! The program relies on the members merely loading a Remke gift card with value which they in turn spend in Remke stores. Our organization will earn 4% of the values loaded.


We will have these cards available in the School office; you must use the gift cards that we have, as they are the only ones in Remke’s system that are associated with our account.  The Remke gift cards can be requested by sending a note to the school office or at any HSO meeting.  They have no value on them, so there is no need to send any money with your request.  When you do your shopping, simply load the money onto the card prior to having the cashier begin scanning your purchase.  Then you will use that gift card to pay for your purchase. If you have any family members who shop at Remke, encourage them to use one of our gift cards too, the more we share this program, the bigger the profits for the school. This is a good way to budget for your grocery needs by putting a certain amount on the card each week or at each pay period.


Remke will send a check to St. Augustine for 4% of total loaded value of all cards linked to our program each quarter.



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