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Saint Augustine Church's statuary was made by the renowned Daprato Rigali Studios of Chicago, Illinois. Deprato was founded in 1860 by four brothers who immigrated from the Tuscan town Barga, hoping to bring the Italian craft of statue-making to the New World. Daprato statues and other furnishings set the standard for religious art throughout the world in the 19th century. By 1917, Daprato operated locations in Chicago, New York, Montreal, Canada, and in Pietrasanta, region near the famous Italian Carrara Marble quarry.


Saint Augustine's statues were purchased during the construction of the new church building on Euclid Avenue following its construction in 1914 by Fr. William Kathmann, our fourth pastor. His vision to give the best of human achievement back to God is reflected in beauty of the magnificent statues that continue to grace our Church.


High Altar Crucifix
Remaining true to the original coloration and style, the sanctuary crucifix underwent an intensive conservation and restoration in Fall 2019. Beginning first with the removal of damaged and peeling paint, attention was turned to the broken and missing plaster from the arms and feet. New plaster was filled and resculpted. Finally, the corpus was repainted and reattached to the refinished wooden cross. with help from the Covington Fire Department on December 24.

Saint Anthony.jpg


Saint Anthony was the first of Saint Augustine Church's saint statues to undergo restoration in January 2019.  After initial analysis, it was discovered that the statue is made of 80% wood and 20% mixed plaster. Paint remove and color studies revealed the beautiful and intricate features of the figures' faces and garments. In March of 2019, the conservation and restoration of Saint Anthony was completed and he returned to the parish where he graces right side of the sanctuary.


Saint Ann and the Blessed Virgin Mary is the second statue of Saint Augustine Church to undergo restoration. The statue features Saint Ann teaching the Blessed Vigin. She points to a scroll with the words of Isaiah 11:1, "A shoot will come up from the stump of Jesse; from his roots a Branch will bear fruit." The statue is composed of 80% wood and 20% mixed plaster. Paint remove and color studies revealed the beautiful and intricate features of the figures' faces and garments. The most notable features are refined glass eyes. In August 2019, the conservation and restoration of Saint Ann and the Blessed Virgin Mary was completed and returned to the parish where it graces left side of the sanctuary.

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