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Holy Season of Lent

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Tuesday, February 13
@ 8:30am
The Burning of Palms

Following the regularly scheduled daily Mass the faithful will gather in the parking lot to burn the blessed palms from Palm Sunday 2023.  The ashes of these palms will be used on Ash Wednesday.

Ash Wednesday, February 14
@ 8:00am & 6:30pm
Mass w/ distribution of ashes

All will gather for the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass where ashes will be blessed and placed on the heads of the faithful as a reminder that "You are dust, and to dust you shall return."  Ash Wednesday is a day of fasting and abstinence.

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@ 5:00pm
Sung Evening Prayer

Each Sunday during Lent, the parish will host Sung Vespers (Evening Prayer).  This is the prayer of the Church for the Church.  All are welcome and encouraged to attend.


@ 6:30pm
Stations of the Cross

Each Tuesday during Lent, the parish will host "The Stations of the Cross."  As we walk the road to Calvary with Jesus, we are called to be more aware of our own sinfulness and the need for God's abundant mercy.


@ 6:30pm
Adult Faith Formation

On four (4) Wednesday during Lent ...

February 21 & 28 - March 13 & 20

... we will gather to learn more about our beloved faith through study.  This year we will reflect on the four dogmas that relate to the Blessed Virgin Mary.

Saturday, March 2
@ 7:00pm
Sacred Music Concert

Join us at St. Augustine Parish for our March "Sacred Music Concert."  This Lent we will hear the beautiful music of guitar and flute.

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2nd & 4th Tuesdays
@ 7:00pm
Bible Study

Join the faithful of the parish in a small group study to explore the teachings of the Lord Jesus through the Sacred Scriptures.  Meetings in the Parish Office.

Saturday, March 23
9:00am - 2:00pm
Walking Pilgrimage

Join faithful Catholic from throughout our Diocese on a walking Lenten Pilgrimage between five (5) of our urban core parishes... Cathedral, St. Augustine, St. Benedict, St. John, and Mother of God.  Eucharistic Adoration will be available in each parish church.

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Wednesday, March 27
@ 6:00pm

Join us on Spy Wednesday for the celebration of Tenebrea.  This ancient liturgy draws us into the darkness of the Lord's tomb so that we might be enlightened by the brilliance of Easter.

Parish dinner will follow.

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