Saint Augustine Parish
413 West 19th Street
Covington, KY 41014
(859) 431-3943
(859) 261-5564 (School)
Some wishlist items for our classrooms...
Monetary Donation – Sets of Books/CDs for listening center
Monetary Donation towards photo processin
1st Grade
Monetary donation towards the purchase of sets of books with a CD for the listening center
Whiteboard markers and erasers
2nd Grade
Play Doh
Sidewalk chalk
Paint brushes
Donation towards grade 2 Zaner Bloser writing paper
CD/cassette player
Games: Uno / Go Fish / Old Maid
3rd Grade
Dry Erase markers and erasers
Legos for inside recess
Board games for inside recess
Electric pencil sharpener
4th Grade
Dry Erase Markers
Dry Erasers
Erasable Blue or Black Pens
Chair Pads for independent reading
5th Grade
Construction paper
Markers and/or colored pencils
Monetary donation towards the purchase of Accelerated Reader books for the classroom
6th Grade
Dry erase markers – dark colors
Donation towards religious DVDs
Classroom games – Checkers, Chess, Playing cards, Dominoes
7th Grade
Donation towards the purchase of a set of Newberry Award winning books
Dry erase markers in a variety of bold colors
Set of Harry Potter books
Yahtzee game
Chinese Checkers game
8th Grade
Dry erase markers – dark colors
Red pens
Art Class
Disinfectant Wipes
Simple Green Spray
Gallon of Elmer’s School Glue
Stretched Canvases
Educational Art History Books
K – 3 Art Story Books:
“If I Built A House” by Chris Van Dusen
“Keith Haring – The Boy Who Kept Drawing” by Kay A. Haring
“Art & Max” by David Wiesner
“Beautiful Oops” by Barney Saltzberg